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Lost and Found

Missing your furry friend or maybe found someone else's? Kitten Krazy is here to help! Please read the information below regarding reporting lost and found cats, and view pictures of those that have been reported to us.


Additional "Lost and Found" Resources

- Pawboost Lost and Found Pets (National) - scroll to the bottom of this page for quick search

- Sam the Parrot - Facebook Page (Local)

- Medina County OH Lost and Found Pets - Facebook Group (Local)


- Local veterinarians

- Other local shelters

Reporting a Lost or Found Cat

  • Please use the PawBoost Lost & Found software located below.

  • You can also drop off a lost/Found flyer at our front desk and we will place it on our community board for up to 3 months.

Tips for Lost and Found Cats

😿 If you've lost your cat:

  • For your safety, provide only essential contact information, such as an e-mail address or phone number, when reporting to large groups of people you may not know (e.g., via Facebook).

    • It is best not to provide your address to the general public.

    • If someone reports that they have your cat, arrange to meet in a public place, like a store parking lot or local park.

  • Make sure to report it in as many places as possible, online and offline, as quickly as possible.

  • Provide pictures (different angles can be helpful).

  • Provide as much information about your kitty as possible.

  • If your cat has particular behaviors that could make recovery more difficult, provide instructions on how to approach him/her. Or, if you think it is best for people to contact you immediately without approaching the cat themselves, indicate this.

  • When you go to retrieve your cat, bring a carrier or box and possible some toys or treats that will be familiar to him/her. Keep in mind that s/he may be in shock from the ordeal and may have misplaced aggression (i.e., handle with care).

  • Once your furry friend is found, delete your posts and/or acknowledge that they have returned safely.

🐱 If you've found a cat:

  • For your safety, provide only essential contact information, such as an e-mail address or phone number, when reporting to large groups of people you may not know (e.g., via Facebook).

    • It is best not to provide your address to the general public.

    • If someone reports that they are the owner of a cat you've found, arrange to meet in a public place, such as a store parking lot or a local park.

  • For the cat's safety, be selective about the information you provide in initial reports to the public (e.g., via Facebook). Give enough detail to describe the cat adequately, but ask for additional details when someone inquires about it. This can help prevent people from claiming an animal that doesn't actually belong to them.

  • Report it in as many places as possible, online and offline.

  • Keep the cat away from any young children and other pets you may have in your home, in case of illness or fear-driven behavior (e.g., aggression).

  • Wear gloves when handling an unfamiliar, if possible, and wash hands after handling.

  • Provide plenty of water, but only give a found cat a small to moderate amount of food at first. If they are very hungry or scared, they may eat too much or too fast and make themselves sick.

Lost and Found Pets
on PawBoost

You can view or report lost and found pets on PawBoost and contact us if you'd like us to watch for them.

Kitten Krazy's 20th Anniversary Logo - Cropped.png

Tax-Exempt # 43-2062299
a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization

Top Local Charity: Kitten Krazy Inc on Givevia
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