930 Lafayette Road - Unit A
Medina, OH 44256
Tax ID #43-2062299
Tuesday - Friday: 12 pm - 5 pm
Saturday: 12 pm - 3 pm
ADOPTIONS AS OF 2/28/25 = 9,435!
Kitten Krazy has many opportunities for volunteers to help with our mission to provide loving homes to needy cats in our local communities. Just one or two hours per week can make a huge difference. The best part, staying after your shift to pet the kitties!
*Please read the following information to learn more about our volunteer opportunities and then download the appropriate Volunteer Application below this section to get started.
Our volunteers range from eight years old to senior citizens. All minors must be accompanied by an adult. There are many ways to help and everyone is appreciated.
We are always looking for people who would like to serve in the following areas:
Adoption counselors
Cleaning - Immediate need daily 10 am to 12 pm & 4 pm to 5 pm
Foster Homes
Laundry and/or Dishes
If you have questions about volunteering, please send a message to volunteer@kittenkrazy.org with "KK Volunteer" in the subject line. To view and submit your application, see the next section below.

Volunteer Applications
Interested in volunteering at Kitten Krazy? Cat-tastic!
If you are 18 or older, please fill-out and submit the Adult Application. If you are between the ages of 8-17, please fill-out the Junior Application with your parent or guardian. When you are finished, you can e-mail your form(s) to volunteer@kittenkrazy.org, or mail/drop them off to the shelter located at 930 Lafayette Road - Unit A, Medina, OH 44256.
If you have any problems with these PDFs, please contact us for assistance.