Kitten Krazy Update
Since our 4000th adoption on Saturday (yay for Bruce!), we adopted Otis and April (out of Petsmart). We also took in three kitties...

Recent Adoptions and Leap Day Intakes
Sorry friends! In my crazy head, I thought I had updated you all on the comings and goings around Kitten Krazy. Apparently, I did not! ...

Daily Adoption Update
Today we sent home three kitties! Squire (sorry- this handsome boy wasn't with us long enough for me to get pics of him!) went home as...
What's Mew this Week??
It's been a busy few days at Kitten Krazy! Blaze and Bernice went home, adopted out of Petsmart over the weekend. We took in a number...

Friday Update!
TGIF friends! I wanted to give you a quick update of all of the happenings this week! Monday we took in a beautfiul, sweet kitty named...